Thursday, August 27, 2009

SF Tweed Ride and Bike Polo

Save the Date:
September 16th 6:30pm
Dolores Park Tennis Courts

Dear Friends and all the hirsute able,
The Derailleurs are teaming up with SF Tweed Ride and SF Hardtop Bike Polo for a special night of movies and your chance to be in one.

Derailleurs will be filming a scene from our upcoming movie.
The scene is supposed to be back in time, so bring your cruisers and derby caps.
Our performance is fairly short. We might perform it twice or thrice for all the detailed delight.
Then off to the movies with the dapper riders.

Our movie has the intention to give a shout out to local bicycle badassery.
That means we want you to come out in full, handlebar mustache effect.
Find those suspenders, bloomers, and blouses.
You will be a VIP at the screening!

For more background info:

See you there!

ps: If anyone has lightning we could use, send and email to


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...
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